I’ve been home for about 2 months now, sorry for the lack of updates. My intentions for this blog have wandered many times, and my focus has been lost.
Since I have been back the normal family and friends things have happened, but also something important has happened.
A family member has become unwell. This family member has also just had serious surgery and requires care and help from the family.
I am so glad I am home to help. I am close to this family member, and it has become an important part of my everyday to see them and help them.
Their decline in help was not foreseen, and was not any of the reasons I returned home.
But being back home has become vital for now.
Travel plans continue to swirl in my head, but they do not even reach the draft stage. They are just ideas.
Sorry to hear about your
Sorry to hear about your family member being unwell, I hope he or she gets well soon. Admirable of you to help out – family comes first. Just discovered your blog and was rather enjoying the old articles, I hope you’ll be able to travel again soon, and bring us back glimpses of those distant exotic places we only read about, occasionally.
Sorry to hear about your
Sorry to hear about your family member being unwell, I hope he or she gets well soon. Admirable of you to help out – family comes first. Just discovered your blog and was rather enjoying the old articles, I hope you’ll be able to travel again soon, and bring us back glimpses of those distant exotic places we only read about, occasionally.