Nha Trang to Mui Ne

Buses are the cheapest and fastest option to travel between Nha Trand Mui Ne. There is no train station in, or near to Mui Ne.


All the open tour companies run the Nha Trang to Mui Ne route.
 All hotels and travel agents sell tickets.  Sinh Cafe have
the best reputation and buses.  Their buses leave their in-town
depot by the beach, look for their office.  The bus leaves at
07:45 and arrives at Mui Ne at 13:00.  Tickets cost 90,000VND.
 Other compnies such as TM Brother also run the route for

Mui Ne is spread over many kilometers.  Open tour buses will
stop at their offices or at resorts.  If the resorts are not in
your price range touts will be hovering to show you other places to
stay.  Value for money varies between resorts so it pays to look
at a few.

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