Country | Safety rating | Currency | Money | Minimum cost per day | Budget hotel | Midrange hotel | Litre of petrol | Litre of bottled water | Bottle of beer | Cigarettes (Marlboro) | Population (millions) | Human Development Index | Visas | Time | Internet access | Internet Cafes | WiFi | Electricity | ||
Nepal | Resonably safe for tourists, currently a civil wall. | Nepali rupees. You may not import Nepali rupees, and only Nepal and Indian national may import Indian currency. | ATMs are avalable in Kathmandu and Pokhara, accepting most major cards. Banks will give cash advances. Travelers cheques can be exchanged. Credit cards are accepted at larger stores, resturants and hotels. Cash is definatley best. | US$7 | US$5 | US$20 | NRs67 | NRs15 | NRs190s | NRs80 | 26.3 | 136 | 60 days upon arrival for US$30. Easy to extend within the country. | 5:45 ahead of GMT – this is 15 minutes more than India. | Lots of places with cheap prices & moderate speed in Kathmandu and Pokhara. Most have USB access, CD burning and printing. Little elsewhere. WiFi, and wired laptop stations in a few places in Kathmandu and Pokhara. Some better hotels offer WiFi. | Lots in Kathmandu and Pokhara. Prices are cheap. Speed is Bigger hotels will offer the same, more expensive service.
| Kathmandu | 220v/50 cycles. Sockets take round three pin plugs, sometimes small (like India), sometimes large, and many sockets take 2 pin continental plugs. Get adapters locally cheaply. Power outages are common. | ||
India | Safe | Indian Rupees. Only Nepali and Indian citizens can take Indian rupees in or our of India. | ATMs are widespread in any towns with tourists. Credit cards accepted in bigger stores. | US$10. | US$6 | US$20 | INR50 | INR13 | INR60 – INR100 | INR60 | 1 billion | Must ge gained in advance. More difficult now than before. Leave plenty of time to apply, and get before you leave home. | 5:30 ahead of GMT | Lots in tourist areas. Speeds vary, but are generally OK. Bigger hotels offer reasonable service for a little extra cost. | Rare. | 220v/50 cycles. Sockets take round three pin plugs, sometimes small, sometimes large, and many sockets take 2 pin continental plugs. Get adapters locally cheaply. Power outages are common. | ||||
Indonesia | US$4 | US$1.20 | ||||||||||||||||||
Malaysia | US$2 | In some larger chain cafes. | ||||||||||||||||||
Thailand | Safe, some insurengce in the south. | Baht | US$12 | US$6 | 30Baht | 130Baht | 30Baht | 60Baht | 62 Million | Free visa for 30 days on arrival. Extendable by crossing border out, and then back into Thailand. | +7 GMT | Lots of internet centres in touristy and metropolitan areas. From 20 Baht per hour. On islands expect to pay 2Baht per minute. Computers are generally new. | In some larger chain cafes. |